选择性必修第二册《Unit 2 Bridging Cultures》试题

  选择性必修第二册《Unit 2 Bridging Cultures》试题

  1.complex adj. 复杂的;难懂的;(语法)复合的

  It was a very complex relationship between two complex people.

  2. recall vt. & vi记起;回想起,召回

  I remember her face, but I can’t recall where I met her。

  3.qualification n.资格,资历—-qualify vt.& vi(使)具备资格;(使)合格

  have (no) qualification for sth/have (no) qualification to do sth

  The test will qualify you to drive heavy vehicles.


  adj.合格的;称职的________________ 胜任….____________

  4.ambition n.追求的目标;夙愿;野心;抱负—– adj.有野心/雄心的______________

  有……的抱负;有……的野心 _________________________/______________

  achieve one’s ambition 实现某人的夙愿

  Your problem is that you have no ambition.你的问题在于胸无大志。

  5. adaptation n.适应;改编本—v.(使)适应;改编_______; adaptable adj. 能适应的;可改编的

  He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.他很快适应了新的环境。

  适应______________ adapt A for B 把A改编成B adapt A from B 把B改编成A

  6.comfort n.安慰;令人感到安慰的人或事物;舒服;安逸 vt.安慰;抚慰

  in comfort 舒适地 ___________ adj. 舒服的 uncomfortable,comfortably adv.

  They spared no effort to ensure our comfort and safety.

  It is a comfort to know that you are safe now.

  7. participate vi.参加;参与——n.参加;参与_____________;n.参与者__________________

  participate ______ sb与某人共同参与 ________________ 参加:参与=take part in

  Everyone can participate in this game.

  8. presentation n.报告;陈述;出示;拿出

  ___________a presentation 进行陈述/介绍 _________presentation 口头报告

  His presentation on Beijing Opera was a great success.

  He made a presentation to the people present.

  present adj. 出席的,到场的,现在的 vt. 赠送;颁发,授予,汇报,呈现 n. 礼物,现在


  9.speak up大声点说;明确表态,辩护__________

  speak for 代表……讲话(发言) speak out 公开表白;大胆说出 高度评价_______________

  Would you please speak up?请讲大声点好吗?

  10.feel at home 舒服自在;不拘束 = ________

  not feel _______感觉不舒服

  11. engage vi.参加;参与(活动) vt.吸引(注意力、兴趣) “(使)从事;参与”。

  (使)从事参与 ____________________________

  The majority of us don’t engage in regular exercise.

  ___________ adj.繁忙的,被占用的,已订婚的

  ___________ adj.迷人的 _________________ n. 婚约;约定

  ______________ 忙于某事 __________________ 跟某人订婚

  The line was engaged and the operator asked if I’d like to hang on.

  12. involve vt.包含;需要;涉及;影响;(使)参加——- n.参与,投入____________

  参与;卷入;与…有关联_________________ 需要 (做)某事__________


  13.overwhelming adj. 无法抗拒的,巨大的,压倒性的—–v.________ 淹没,覆盖

  压倒性的胜利_______________ 被….压倒….__________________

  13. motivate vt.成为……的动机;激发;激励—-n.动机,积极性______ adj.______________


  What motivates him to keep on running?

  At first you should motivate the children in chess.你首先得激发孩子学习象棋的兴趣。

  14. expectation n.期望;预期;期待—– vt.预期,预料 _______________


  超出(某人)预期___________________ in expectation of期待

  The result of the match was far beyond our expectation.比赛结果大大出乎我们的预料。

  15.applicant n. 申请人 ——-n.申请,运用 ______ —-v.______vt. 申请,运用,应用,涂,敷

  向某人申请得到某物_______________________ 对什么适用有效_______________

  把……应用于……,把……涂到……. __________________ 申请做某事________________

  16. firm n.公司;商行;事务所 adj. 结实的;牢固的;坚定的—–firmly adv.坚定地,坚固地

  A firm believer always stands up for what he believes.


  confirm v.证实,证明

  17.exposure n.接触;体验;暴露;揭露——-v._____vt.使接触;显露;使暴露于(险境),___

  Too much exposure to computer games is harmful to teenagers.


  We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible.

  adj.无遮蔽的;易受攻击的__________ 暴露于……,接触____________

  To learn a foreign language,we’d better be exposed to that language environment.

  18.insight n. 洞察力;眼光 常与 into搭配,表示“对……的见解”。


  The book is filled with remarkable insights.这本书很有真知灼见。

  19. departure n. 离开;启程;出发,离职;违反—– vt. 离开____________

  departure from… 违背……,脱离……

  There was a delay in the departure of the plane.我们的飞机起飞延误了。

  20.grasp vt.理解;领会;抓紧 n.抓;理解力;把握

  grasp sb_____ the arm/wrist/shoulders 抓住某人的胳膊/手腕/肩膀

  grasp the meaning/significance of…理解……的意思/意义

  have a good grasp of

  21.dramatic adj. 巨大的;突然的;急剧的;喜剧(般)的—–adv.戏剧性地_____________

  They hadn’t expected such a dramatic change in the weather.

  22.expense n.费用;花费;开销


  at sb’s expense由某人付费 at great/considerable/vast expense花一大笔费用

  cost an arm and a leg(使)花一大笔钱

  I’d love to buy a Porsche, but they cost an arm and a leg.我倒是想买辆保时捷,可实在太贵了。

  23. behave vt. 表现 vi.&vt.表现得体;有礼貌—–n.行为;举止;习性____________

  守规矩;表现得体___________________ behave ______________-表现好/不好

  The bear behaved abnormally, probably because of hunger

  24.surroundings n.环境;周围的事物—v.环绕,围绕________—–adj.周围的;附近的______

  We decided to explore the surrounding countryside.

  (近义)setting n.环境;背景;(小说等的)情节背景 environment 指自然或人文环境

  25. mature adj. 成熟的

  He’s not mature enough to be given too much responsibility.他还不成熟,不宜给他重任

  26. depress vt. 使沮丧;使忧愁——n. 沮丧,抑郁

  The thought of taking the exam again depressed him. 想到要补考,他就很沮丧

  adj. 沮丧的;意志消沉的___________ adj. 令人沮丧的;沉闷的___________

  27. strengthen vi.& vt. 加强;增强;巩固

  Regular exercise will help to strengthen your muscles.经常锻炼有助于增强肌肉。

  strong adj. 强壮的→_________n.力量,力气→strengthen v.加强

  weak adj. 虚弱的→__________ n.弱点→weaken v.(使)削弱

  28. deny vt.否认;否定;拒绝(refuse v.拒绝)

  否认做某事_______________ 不可否认的是_________________

  deny request 拒绝要求 deny sb sth拒绝给某人某物

  There is no denying that such ratings might bring convenience to consumers.无可否认,这样的评级可能会给消费者带来方便。(浙江卷)

  29.optimistic adj. 乐观的—————adj.消极的_________________

  I admire Helen because she is optimistic about life我很佩服海伦,因为她对生活很乐观。

  optimism n.乐观;乐观主义 optimist n.乐观主义者

  30.perspective n. 视角,观点

  __________ one’s perspective 依某人看=

  31. side with 支持;站在……的一边=

  Selina sided with her mother.赛琳娜站在她妈妈的一边联

  side against站在反对……的一方,反对

  32.as far as I know 据我所知 =as far as I’m aware

  as far as I see 据说所见 as far as 远至…….,据…….

  33. as far as l am concerned 就我而言;依我看来

  As far as I’m concerned,the whole idea is crazy.在我看来,整个想法很荒唐。

  As far as I am concerned, our school team deserves to win the important game

  34.in summary 总之


  35. generally speaking 一般来说

  Generally speaking, we enjoyed this trip.